Home Alone Fans Want Iconic Fake Film to Be Made Into an Actual Movie

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If you’ve ever watched Home Alone, you probably remember that scene from a movie that inspired Kevin McCalister to trick the burglars in his house. Fans are now requesting an actual movie be made just from that one small scene. Just imagine how iconic that would be!

The Iconic Home Alone Scene

The iconic black-and-white movie scene is one of the things that makes Home Alone so entertaining. The fake film is called Angels With Filthy Souls, and the line we all know and love is, “Keep the change, ya filthy animal.” Now, be honest. How many of you thought that it was an actual old movie? Actor Seth Rogen did. A few years ago, he shared that his entire childhood had been a lie, thinking the film was indeed real.

YouTube // @dawid0478

Unfortunately, this short scene was filmed just for Home Alone in an abandoned high school gym, referencing a real gangster film from the ’30s. The good news is that people can watch full versions of the scene on the Home Alone DVDs. But hardcore fans aren’t satisfied with just a DVD. They want a full movie with an actual plot.

Fans Demand an Actual Movie

Fans all over X are requesting a film production of Angels With Filthy Souls and its sequel Angels With Filthier Souls. One person said that making a fake film-within-a-film would be a genius idea, and he was wondering why nobody had thought of it yet.

Some were even angry that they hadn’t prioritized filming this movie over other remakes and adaptions that missed the mark throughout the years. We can only hope that Hollywood directors will listen to what the fans want and will come up with a great plot for next Christmas. How cool would it be to watch this right after watching Home Alone?

A Boy Found an Ancient Roman Coin in a Sandbox in Bremen

An eight-year-old boy named Bjarne stumbled upon a remarkable find while playing in the sandbox at his elementary school in Bremen, Germany – a 1,800-year-old Roman coin, specifically a silver denarius. This discovery, made last year, was officially announced during a press event on August 11th. Uta Halle, the Bremen state archaeologist, expressed her appreciation for Bjarne’s carefulness, emphasizing the uniqueness of the find.

Boy Found an Ancient Roman Coin

A Boy Found an Ancient Roman Coin In a Sandbox In Bremen
Boy Found an Ancient Roman Coin

Apparently, the discovery was very special because there have only been two comparable coin finds from the Roman Empire in the city of Bremen. Although much of what is now Germany was once part of the Roman Empire’s territory, Bremen was not, making the presence of the Roman coin exceptionally rare and somewhat perplexing.

Experts are unable to definitively explain how the coin ended up in Bremen, but they have proposed several theories. It is suggested that any Roman coins found so far north likely reached the region through trade, were deposited by the River Weser, or may have been brought as souvenirs by a world traveler.

The Coin Dated to the Time of Marcus Aurelius

an ancient Roman coin
The Coin Dated to the Time of Marcus Aurelius

The denarius, weighing 0.08 ounces (2.4 grams), is relatively lightweight. This is attributed to the fact that it was minted during a period of currency devaluation when inflation resulted in a reduction in silver content. When Bjarne initially unearthed this artifact, he was unaware of its historical significance, but his excitement grew as he learned more about it. The coin appeared round and shiny, prompting him to take it home.

The boy’s family later shared photographs of the coin with experts, who then requested to examine it in person. After thorough analysis, they were able to date it to the reign of Marcus Aurelius, who ruled from 161 to 180 C.E. Officials commended Bjarne for his alertness and curiosity and presented him with two archaeology books as recognition.

Despite his remarkable discovery, Bjarne will not be permitted to keep the artifact. The coin will probably be displayed at Bremen’s Focke Museum.