This Robot Could Potentially Leap Higher than the Statue of Liberty

Shutterstock // Dima Zel

Is there no end to the ingenuity of people when it comes to technology? A rudimentary robot design has been created by scientists that can reach a staggering height of 120 meters and could easily leap over the Statue of Liberty. However, there are still a few wrinkles to iron out.

Flexible Leg Design

The robot was originally built to take over for robots that had difficulty covering rough terrains. The robot comes with flexible legs with joints very much like knees that give it propulsion to leap great heights.

The scientists first published their miracle designs in the Mechanism and Machine Theory journal. They boasted that their design could end up jumping six times higher than the current record.

Pre-Existing Jumping Robots

Even though this technology is nothing new since there are other jumping robots in existence, this particular robot is unique. It took a different approach in the design to ensure it could leap over higher obstacles. Since it doesn’t waste energy walking, it can scale great distances in one giant leap.

The origins of the previous design of the robot came from locusts and fleas and their ability to leap from place to place. However, the robots that came before used a motor and stored energy to be able to move and leap.

Which Design Worked Best

Scientists took two robots, one with a straight-line system and the other with a rotational system. The former used a pogo-style motion to move, and the latter used a system very similar to a kangaroo. Both proved that the systems worked; however, they failed to reach the heights that the scientists predicted.

Shutterstock // Tatiana Shepeleva

Scientists are continuing to refine their designs, looking to combine the best of both worlds to create the perfect robot for their purposes. Only time will tell whether they can pull it off.